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Travis Haley Quick Tips: Appendix Carry

Mammoth Sniper Challenge
Mammoth Sniper Challenge
January 12, 2017
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By now, if you don't know who Travis Haley is, you've definitely been living under a rock. He's one of the foremost firearms trainers in the industry, having risen to fame after his wildly successful Magpul Dynamics series with fellow trainer Chris Costa. He then formed his own training company, Haley Strategic, and travels the country providing training to civilians, law enforcement and military shooters alike.In this video, Travis breaks down some key details about appendix holster carry, such as placement, draw technique, and belt selection.Those of you who don't carry appendix, you should give it a try: it enables you to draw quicker and more accurately from the front of your body. It also lets you draw easier while seated or driving a vehicle. It advertises the gun much less, and you can quickly and consistently check if you are printing.Take a look at the video below:

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