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Shots Fired at LA High School

Veteran News
Veteran News
November 14, 2019
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Shots have been fired at an LA County high school. There aren't a ton of details coming out of LA County Sheriff's Office, but what we do know is that there were shots fired and wounded reported at Saugus High School. The suspect is reported to be an Asian male, clad in all black and still at large.All area schools, William S Hart District have been put into lockdown. LA County Sheriffs are urging anyone in the area of Saugus High School to lock their doors, urging people to call 911 if they see a male in all black clothing.With any luck, the wounded will make full recoveries and the perpetrator will be properly ventilated by police.The time for taking active shooters alive should have been done a long time ago.UPDATE: There seems to be 5 victims that are being treated by EMS.UPDATE #2: There are now reports of a 6th person being wounded. Unclear on if EMS is treating them at this time.UPDATE #3: Total number of wounded at 7, with one being in critical condition.UPDATE #4: Sole student gunman is reportedly "no longer a threat" quoted from SWAT. He is 15 years oldUPDATE #5: Suspect is in custody and wounded, being treated at a nearby hospital (Editors note, boooo).UPDATE #6: Two students were killed by the suspect who used a 1911 handgun.

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