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Satire is Too Real

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January 17, 2019
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Can you guys tell the difference lately? It's becoming more and more difficult I know, trust me, I'm a Marine and I struggle to even read sometimes. Imagine how difficult it must be for me to distinguish between satire and reality when people are doing the Bird Box Challenge or the Tide Pod Challenge...I mean, you gotta admit, there are things going on that we'd never have imagined taking place.Sure we did dumb shit when we were kids, but it was more like seeing if we could jump our bike off of this ramp we built with our own 8-year-old minds and limited understanding of physics. We weren't doing the "Eat Rat Poison and See How Long Before You Call 911 Challenge". Granted our shenanigans were just as likely to end us up in the hospital, but we feel there is a distinct difference in trying to be a daredevil with some chance of success (albeit extremely slim) and ingesting something we know will most certainly kill you if you're not taken to the ER to have your stomach pumped.Like I said, maybe we need to reign it back a bit so that people can tell the difference between satire and reality a little easier. Let's make sure that we're not doing our best to live out "Idiocracy" or "1984".It's still the first month of 2019, let's do Harambe proud and reign in our cultural craziness just a bit. Let's let the phrase "I've never seen anything so stupid in my entire life," make a comeback, because, at this point, I'd be hard pressed to not believe half the shit I see on a satire site because, f*** we really are just getting that dumb or reckless. Hell, I don't know, maybe this whole piece might even be satire...just kidding it's not. It's definitely not.

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