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Thank You for the Hate

Veteran News
Veteran News
March 7, 2019
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It's not every day that an elitist upper-crusty East Coast magazine sets their pompous crosshairs on your brand. It is, however, every day that haters show up in their various forms. And while we usually ignore it, the call out from such a prestigious institution warranted a few words. Five to be exact. And just to prove that we're fair, these five words can go to all of our haters. We're not the type to discriminate.Thank you for the hate. (smiley face emoji) It keeps us warm all year round.Whether you love us or hate us, the fact that our name is in your mouth (lol we're in your mouth) and on your mind, it just makes us feel like the prettiest girl at the prom. Every time you say our name, someone comes to our website to check out our shirts. They may love 'em, they may hate 'em but as long as we're in haters mouths (lol), others will our website. It's nice to live rent-free in the minds of all detractors. We've always wanted a vacation home!Moving on, the article in that New York-based magazine stated that:" the standards of tacky T-shirts and toxic masculinity, well made, and even, on their own terms, stately"You think that our shirts are well made? Thanks!We're your definition of Toxic Masculinity? Wearing patriotic t-shirts and supporting constitutional rights is toxic? AWESOME! (high fives were shared around the office after we all read that)Gotta say though, nice virtue signaling via buzzwords that have zero context as well. Bravo!We do have a few things we'd like to address though,"We snap back to the present, where Cortez—that’s the name on the back of the football jersey of this conquistador"First off Cortes was from Spain and second we're not sure calling someone of Latin descent, hundreds of years later with the same last name as the famous (or infamous) conquistador is the most non-racist thing we've seen. But hey who knows? Cortes wrecked shop and killed a shit ton of people so, maybe it's a compliment to the actor? He is, after all, a Marine Corps veteran and currently a law enforcement officer.And the price for "America, F*** Yeah" wasn't dropped to $17.76, that's a presale price. We thought you guys were know Harvard and Princeton educated really should be better at reading.Either way, if you're a smarmy East Coast magazine or just your average run of the mill hater, supporter...hell even if you're neutral but say our name. Thank you!Thank you for servicing us with your mild discontent, it truly means the world to us (we didn't even have to pay for the advertising).

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