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Pole Vaulter Stops Mid-Run to Stand for Anthem

Veteran News
Veteran News
August 22, 2016
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Sam Kendricks, a Second Lieutenant in the US Army Reserve and Olympian pole vaulter, stopped mid-run when he faintly heard the National Anthem playing from... somewhere?The video posted to twitter shows Kendricks sprinting down the runway when he hears the Anthem. He immediately stops, and snaps to the position of attention.

2nd LT Sam Kendricks stops mid-run to stand at attention when he hears the national anthem??

— NBC Olympics (@NBCOlympics) August 21, 2016

But where is the flag? The video also shows him looking around for the colors, as he tries to remain in his position out of respect.


Several people have taken to Twitter to congratulate the vaulter on his respect to his country:

@ProjectMan18@samkendricks Thanks Lieutenant for restoring some hope in this ol' Marine sergeant's heart! An Army dog, who'd a thunkit?!?— John H. Baker II (@JohnHBakerII) August 22, 2016 

Most patriotic thing I have seen, 2nd LT Sam Kendricks stops mid-run to stand at attention when he hears the nation…

— Denzel Shaw (@Denzelcliveshaw) August 22, 2016

Kendricks is one of 18 Olympians that are also members of the US Military. After this awesome display of patriotism, he went on to win a bronze medal at his event, achieving a vault of 19 feet, 2 1/4 inches.

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