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Bid to Punch Martin Shkreli

Veteran News
Veteran News
September 28, 2016
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What is it with people and the desire to injure themselves lately? Just a couple months ago we had a guy that shot himself in the face for a laugh, now this joker.If you don't know Martin Shkreli, he's the guy that decided it would be awesome to buy a pharmaceutical company, and then jack up the price for a drug that helped prevent certain illnesses in HIV patients over 5000%. Naturally, the community that has HIV and needed that medication to, you know, live, wasn't as excited about his profits as he was.Now, inexplicably, this guy's back in the headlines because he wants you to punch him in the face. For a price.The money raised will be going to the son of his friend "Mike." Mike passed away recently, and his son survived a battle with leukemia. So while you take out your frustrations for the guy that also defended the dramatic increase in price of the EpiPen, you can rest assured that the money you've given will actually help someone, rather than put them at risk of disease and death.


Forgive us if we're not thoroughly impressed with such a gesture. Firstly, leave it to this guy to create a situation in which most everyone would despise him, and then try to market off that hatred for even more money. Secondly, the amount raised for this kid at the time of writing the article is about $7,000, which is chump change for a guy that charged $750 a pill for a life-saving drug. Furthermore, he has expressed zero desire or intention to donate any of his own money to the cause at all, which he could easily do.And while he's pleased to be in the spotlight again, he's relatively disappointed with the turnout.

Donate now and a winning slapper/puncher will be selected. Not seeing much donation relative to media exposure.

— Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) September 28, 2016

Poor lamb. It's quite possible, Martin, that you're not even worth hitting.Author Note: Martin has (finally) offered to match the donation on his twitter account. Such generosity.

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