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Sniper Kills ISIS Executioner

Veteran News
Veteran News
September 12, 2016
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A British Special Air Service Sniper took out four ISIS terrorists from over a mile away just moments before they executed 12 hostages.The marksman fired one round from his long-range Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle over the enormous distance and struck a fuel tank affixed to one of the terrorist’s back.The fuel tank was used to power the flamethrower, which this executioner was known for. He used it in order to burn suspected spies and agents alive.The explosion caused a huge fireball, which took out three collaborating terrorists standing nearby as well.


Snipers Set Up In Overwatch Position Ahead of Time

The news, which was just reported to the United Kingdom’s Daily Star, comes after the flamethrower terrorist was reported to US and British Special Operations Forces by what the newspaper calls a “Syrian CIA agent.”In espionage, an “agent” is technically someone recruited by one nation’s intelligence force from another nation or organization to spy for the first intelligence agency. It is unknown whether the informant was a Syrian ISIS member or not.The flamethrower killer was well-known in the ISIS caliphate for his brutality. He would take his victims and throw them in cages or tie them to stakes before burning them alive with the gasoline-powered flamethrower.The British sniper and his SAS team first moved into an overwatch position near a village where they were told an execution would take place.Eight men and four women were set to be executed when the British SAS sniper took them out by shooting the “jetpack”-style fuel container and exploding it. The SAS did not kill any civilians during the mile-long sniper shot.The ISIS executioner gave a “rambling speech” over a loudspeaker immediately before being killed. The SAS sniper then opened fire. Later on, all eight men and four women were rescued by friendly troops.ISIS began killing those suspected of treason or espionage with a flamethrower after seeing the technique used in North Korea.

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