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Teen Gets 30-60 Years for WWII Vet Death

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 2, 2016
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George Stewart will be at least 47 years old when he gets out of prison. But it could be much longer.He was convicted of beating Paul Monchnik, a World War Two vet, to death in November, and then setting him on fire in his own home. Monchnik's son, Scott, is still haunted by the way his father passed."The terrible, sickening feeling I get thinking that my dad's last hour on earth was filled with horror and pain, worse than anything he went through in the war," he said.


Steward pled guilty to second degree murder, and gave a statement to the court, saying, "No one should be able to leave this world like that. Mr. Monchnik was a good man. He didn't deserve to die like he did."Stewart's family still asserts his innocence. His sister said that her brother is not a monster, and, "has never been in any trouble in his life." The family says that there is more to the case than has been revealed, and that they plan to appeal the decision.A local news station actually interviewed Stewart about the murder when the 91-year-old vet was found dead. He gave this statement on the news:"I just (saw) the person driving off with his car. Next thing you know, two minutes later, I walk in the house, and we smell fire."Surveillance footage of Stewart filling up a gas tank, along with other evidence, tied him to the murder.

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