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US Navy Sailor on Aircraft Carrier

Veteran News
Veteran News
September 13, 2016
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A US Navy sailor recently gave birth to a healthy baby aboard an ISIS-fighting aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.She was completely unaware of the pregnancy.The sailor, who was not identified, was working aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the middle of the Persian Gulf when she complained of stomach pains. After realizing she was going into labor, doctors aboard the ship delivered a healthy 7-pound infant.She never told anybody about her pregnancy because somehow she never knew that she was pregnant at all.

The VetRS T Shirt

Born On A Carrier With One Mission: Annihilate ISIS Targets

“As the baby was born at sea aboard an operational unit, the main focus for the U.S. Navy, the ship and its crew is the safety and wellbeing of the baby and the mother,” Cmdr. Bill Urban, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command spokesman said. “The baby and mother have arrived in Bahrain via helicopter with a medical escort and have been taken to a shore-based hospital for follow on care.”The ship received vital supplies for the baby via helicopter, including an incubator, diapers and formula.The medical personnel on the ship, although primarily trained for combat, included a doctor with experience delivering babies and other personnel with medical training related to newborns. The baby was delivered safely without any complications.While it is Navy protocol for sailors not to deploy while pregnant, the rules do allow a sailor to stay onboard until the 20th week of pregnancy, provided medical care is less than six hours away. This rule appears not to have mattered, considering the sailor herself did not believe she was pregnant.In addition to the unbridled patriotism of having been born on an aircraft carrier actively engaging targets in the war against ISIS, the child has the distinction of being born on September 11th. Sources are unsure whether this is, in fact, the most American child in the history of the world.What is clear, however, is that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower will continue on its mission of bombing ISIS into the stone age-this time, without children aboard.

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