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Train Crash in Hoboken: 3 Dead, Nearly 100 Injured

Veteran News
Veteran News
September 29, 2016
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A train crash in Hoboken, New Jersey has left at least 3 people dead and 100 injured, some critically so. Initial reports say that the crash was caused due to operator error, but investigators have stressed that the investigation is still ongoing.The train crashed into the station in the middle of the morning rush, leaving twisted metal and piles of brick in its wake. Social media footage captured the damages.

#Hoboken #traincrash train hit the station

— Leon O (@monduras) September 29, 2016

Reports suggest that the train went through a bumper stop at the end of the track. Passengers that have been interviewed stated that the train never slowed as it entered the station, but that they thought nothing of it until the crash took place."You felt like this huge, huge bang," passenger Steve Mesiano told NBC. "The lights went off, and then you started to see like –- I was in the window seat, so I could see like outside, what was happening, and the roof just collapsed on the first car."The train was crowded, particularly in the first two cars as passengers on their morning commute were looking to depart and reach their destinations sooner. Passengers and eye witness accounts detail that the people in the second car broke emergency windows in order to get out. Some passengers were pinned under concrete.First responders were on the scene within minutes of the crash. Local hospitals have also dispatched units and are preparing to receive additional patients.Hoboken is a common stop for many passengers that commute from New Jersey into New York city. It is one of the top 5 busiest train stations in the state.The Federal Railroad Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are currently en route to the scene to help determine why the crash happened.

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