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Army Training Slide & Clinton

Veteran News
Veteran News
August 25, 2016
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A U.S. Army training slide used during a presentation at Fort Leonard Wood listed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an “insider threat.”The slide has since been removed from the presentation.The slide featured the Democratic nominee for President alongside retired General David Petraeus, Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning), Edward Snowden and mass shooters Nidal Hasan and Aaron Alexis.[caption id="attachment_7844" align="aligncenter" width="780"]

army training

Source: US Army WTF Moments, Facebook[/caption]The government and military employees were described as “careless or disgruntled” insiders.The slide has been in use since early 2015, according to U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.“As is common with Army training requirements, the local unit was given latitude to develop their own training products to accomplish the overall training objective,” said Major Thomas Campbell, of the Training and Doctrine Command.The slide came to the attention of TRADOC on Monday and was pulled from the presentation “promptly.” The presentation is part of a quarterly training requirement.


Army Training For Insider Threats Intensifies

The “insiders” on the slides were all guilty in one way or another of damaging the United States government. David Petraeus, who served 37 years in the Army and went on to become director of the CIA, provided classified documents to his mistress and biographer, Paula Broadwell. Manning and Snowden stole and released classified documents.Although some would argue that the Democratic nominee does not deserve to be on the same slide as Fort Hood shooter Nadal Hisan, the director of the FBI did find her use of a private email server to be “extremely careless.”Major Campbell could not provide specifics about how many soldiers had received the training, which unit had created the presentation, and whether or not soldiers were punished as a result of Clinton’s inclusion in the slide.The Army recently underwent a bolstering of its insider-threat training, requiring more soldiers to receive in-person presentations on the topic instead of completing computer-based coursework.

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