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Vegas Victim to Show Respect for President Trump

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 5, 2017
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You can love him, you can hate him, but he is the President of the United States. The office alone deserves some respect and with everyone thing going on in the country, a little respect for our fellow man could go a long way. At least that’s what Thomas Gunderson believed. One man made a gesture that maybe could help get America on the road to healing and forgiveness. This Vegas shooting victim got out of his hospital bed to respect President Trump.During the Las Vegas shooting Gunderson had a bullet rip through his leg and was hospitalized. Certainly, it would be understandable for Gunderson to stay in his bed when no matter who was visiting as the pain in his leg was likely unbearable as it was. However, Thomas had a different take on the matter, stating “I will never lie down when the President of this great country comes to shake my hand! There may be plenty of issues in this country but I will always respect my country, my president, and my flag. Shot in the leg or not, I will stand to show my President the respect he deserves!” Thomas may very well have voted for Trump, he also may not have, but what defines us as Americans, what truly shows through as our shining example to the world is that we can at least show people the modicum amount of respect due, even if they disagree with us.In the video, you can see Thomas standing up as Melania walks in telling him “Hi, Thomas. How are you? No, don’t get up. Don’t get up,” as he still stands up to shake her hand anyways. His leg gives way, but as the president strides in and Thomas finds himself reinvigorated for the simple task, to give another man, another human being the respect they deserve and stands up to greet the President.We may not always agree as a country and tragedy may befall our great nation, but one thing we hope to never lose is a belief that every man, woman, and child is befitting a certain amount of respect. Thomas Gunderson, we don’t know your background, but we appreciate your gesture, it holds more power and more weight than you’ll ever know. Where many could have used the opportunity for political activism or to be selfish, Thomas merely stood up and shook another man’s hand, giving a statement that will be remembered for years to come.

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