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Attack on American University, Kabul

Veteran News
Veteran News
August 24, 2016
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DEVELOPING: Explosions and gunfire have been reported at the American University in Kabul, Afghanistan. A police commander has called it a "complex attack."According to CBS news, several American Professors are currently inside. Students and teachers have taken shelter in classrooms."Several gunmen attacked the American University in Kabul and there are reports of gunfire and explosions... They are inside the compound and there are foreign professors along with hundreds of students," one interior ministry official said to Reuters.


Tweets from inside and outside the university have been posted, pleading for help. Among the tweets are those from Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Massoud Hossaini.

Help we are stuck inside AUAF and shooting flollowed by Explo this maybe my last tweets

— Massoud Hossaini (@Massoud151) August 24, 2016
I'm receiving calls from friends stuck inside a building in #AUAF, they call for help. #AUAFUnderAttack— Ejaz Malikzada (@EjazMalikzada) August 24, 2016

Praying for the safety of young students and staff at the #AUAF. #KabulAttack

— مدثر اسلامي (@mmodaser) August 24, 2016

#AF: Students & lecturers are trapped inside #AUA compound in Kabul amid intense fighting b/w armed assailants & security forces.

— Humayoonbabur (@Humayoonbabur) August 24, 2016

These attacks follow the kidnapping of two professors in Kabul on August 8th. The amount of dead or wounded is unclear right now, nor are there clear reports of who is attacking and why. Some tweets indicate Taliban involvement. Police have stationed themselves outside and have reportedly opened fire on the attackers. The school was founded a decade ago, and currently enrolls about 1,700 students. We will keep you updated as we know more on this unfolding situation.

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