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Smithsonian Hiring Beer Historian: A Dream Job?

Veteran News
Veteran News
July 28, 2016
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Drop everything, and brush off your resume. The Smithsonian is currently hiring for a beer historian and scholar.The position does include benefits, and is a new opening for the National Museum of American History. The person who claims the job title would be charged with the task of documenting the history of craft brewing in America.And yes, there is tasting involved.


Drinking isn't the entirety of the job, however. The official posting dictates a bit more than enthusiasm for beer:

"The successful candidate will have proven experience in scholarly research, organizing and conducting oral history interviews, writing for both scholarly and general audiences, and knowledge of material culture and archival materials. The candidate will work with members of the curatorial staff on collections work and develop content for a wide variety of programs and applications, including digital formats. Candidates with an advanced degree in American business, brewing, food, cultural, or similar specialization within history are encouraged to apply. Must be able to travel, work independently as well as within a team environment, to meet deadlines, and to communicate effectively with co-workers and the public."

The museum has already conducted plenty of research on food history in America, and along the way they became interested in the craft beer movement. “We were looking at wine, coffee, cheese, artisanal bread, and farmers markets,” museum curator Paula Johnston told the Washington City Paper. “Well, this movement with small-scale, local regional beer is part of the ethos.”

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The position could not have appeared at a better time. Craft brewing is on the rise, with a 15 percent increase in just this year alone. America now has over 4,000 breweries, the most in our history.To apply, just send a CV, cover letter, and names of three references to: Abigail Karow at All applications are due by Aug. 10.

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