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Breaking: George H.W. Bush Passed Away

Veteran News
Veteran News
December 1, 2018
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We have learned this evening that former President George H.W. Bush has passed away. From World War 2 on through his years as president, George never stopped working to make his country a better place.We cannot think of a more fitting tribute than to honor him by posting for you all to read the citation for the Distinguished Flying Cross that he earned as a pilot during World War 2. As naval aviator George H.W. Bush flew the TBM Avenger, a torpedo bomber, off of the USS San Jacinto.The citation reads as follows.

"For heroism and extraordinary achievement in aerial flight as Pilot of a Torpedo Plane in Torpedo Squadron FIFTY ONE, attached to the U.S.S. San Jacinto, in action against enemy Japanese forces in the vicinity of the Bonin Islands, on September 2, 1944. Leading one section of a four-plane division in a strike against a radio station, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Bush pressed home an attack in the face of intense antiaircraft fire. Although his plane was hit and set afire at the beginning of his dive, he continued his plunge toward the target and succeeded in scoring damaging bomb hits before bailing out of the craft. His courage and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Reserve."

After bailing out he was rescued by the submarine USS Finback. While on board the Finback, Bush continued to serve, helping other downed pilots until he was able to be returned to the USS San Jacinto.

George H.W. Bush

As President, one of his most notable accomplishments was overseeing the liberation of Kuwait after the invasion by Saddam Hussien. Insisting on the total withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. A total success.What a life, to have seen World War 2 from the cockpit of his Avenger, to live through the Cold War world as a diplomat and the man in charge of the CIA, to oust a dictator as President...a life of service.As a veteran, a president, whether you loved him or hated him, the man served his country honorably for his entire adult life. Thank you George H.W. Bush, may you rest in peace.

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