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Chelsea Bomb Suspect Captured After Shootout

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July 24, 2019
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Caught between war and peace...fuck, I think this will be like the 5th or so such piece I've put out where I'm coming off as exasperated and tired regarding the current state of world affairs. See, from where I'm sitting as a young man in his early 30's who is still in someone decent athletic shape and can still shoot move and communicate fairly well (at least in my own mind, oh shit wait my knee hurts), don't mind a fight with a foreign power. I'm also inconveniently aware of how our foreign policy over the last 70 years or so, got us into this mess and we should really just chill the hell out for a while.Don't get me wrong, I think we were right to oppose Communism at every turn in the Cold War. Commies can get fukt for all I care (not the people of the nation, the true believers, the party members, i.e. ruling class)But after my stints in Iraq, watching my friends come and go for upwards of 6+ deployments, I'm mildly war-weary as I can bet most of them are as well. We've been at it for nearly 20 years. Like, can we get a time out, like 10 years of us not actively deploying and doing shit, then we can go back to fucking up tinpot dictators at will?We like to fight. Pretty good at it too despite how we really aren't coming away from anywhere with a definitive HARD win. (lol hard) But also...people, from what I've seen at least, don't enjoy being in forever wars. Plus, peace is a cool option, you know that whole deal where your friends aren't getting shot at and blown up. That'd be pretty nice right?We also need to be very wary of how engaging in another conflict would divert resources and manpower away from potentially more important and emerging China. Don't get me wrong, Iran deserves an ass-kicking of epic proportions, but they'll have to wait till we wait out China.Truthfully when it comes to war and peace, it really is going to depend on which day you catch a lot of dudes and dudettes on. Tuesday I might want to fight, Wednesday I might want some semblance of peace. I can't seem to resolve internally the fact that we've been at war for all this time, which is kinda bad and there are still bad actors who wish to see us drop down in power rankings, which I can't tolerate.Catch me tomorrow I might say 'Fuk dem assholes up," or some shit...I dunno. Whatever we do though, we ought to commit to. Either fully tilt boogie-woogie build the empire, or just go hard in the paint on peace. I don't really care which one, just pick one. Stop half-assing this shit.

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