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Dead-Che Week

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 8, 2018
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Happy Dead Che Week! This is a celebration of the death of one of the most repressive, regressive pieces of human filth this Earth has ever seen. Ernesto "Che" Guevara died this week, October 9th, 1967 in Bolivia. He was killed by forces trained by the United States Green Berets and the Central Intelligence Agency. While Wikipedia lists him as a revolutionary, we have a few other choice words to describe him for all the people that think wearing his shirt is an awesome fashion statement.Che was notoriously anti-homosexual. He notoriously supported the notion and idea that homosexuality was a symptom of imperialist capitalism and that those who were gay, should be sent to forced labor camps to do "manly" work to rid them of their homosexuality. Many died at the camps as the treatment of those being "reeducated" was often brutal and inhumane.Che was not a fan of anyone who disagreed with him. Many Cubans who fled the nation during the revolution and had direct interactions with Che describe him as a man who executed any dissident he wished without trial. Armando Valladares Perez, who was arrested for speaking out against Communism and a noted Cuban diplomat and writer described Che as a man "full of hatred".People wear his shirts seeming to invoke the trendiness of being a revolutionary force for good. However, he was a piece of shit. He was a revolutionary who believed in power for himself and his beliefs. The irony that most people wearing the shirt depicting Che would be stabbed or shot by Che for their "bourgeois corruption".We're just glad that in 1967, this toolbag was put six feet under and, while many celebrate Columbus Day or (whatever it's called now), we're going to celebrate the end of a tyrannical, repressive, regressive, piece of Communist shit.Happy Dead Che Week!

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