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New Wave of Coronavirus Feared as College Lets Out

April 27, 2020
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Most experts agree that avoiding people and staying home are two of the biggest keys to combating COVID-19. However, many fear that will not be possible for much of our nation's college students. Also, they worry for the Veteran students at higher risk because of toxic exposure.Many universities wrapped up their spring semester this week. As a result, those attending collegiate schools are now moving back home for the summer. Those in dorms, or receiving a housing stipend, can no longer afford to live near campus. Particularly because most traditional summer jobs are no longer viable. To make matters worse, the lease on most college-owned rentals typically end in early May. This is forcing many to move back in with mom and dad.

What does this mean?

Reports from across the country say that students are congregating to help each other move out. Team efforts to move furniture from second and third story dwellings are underway. Consequently, social distancing is giving way to necessity. Dumpsters and street corners are filling up with old couches, and unwanted items. Beyond being unsightly, this will put strain on public works and their employees. Although, some students at the University of Pittsburgh have told us they are compelled to make frequent shopping trips out. Chief among the destinations are hardware stores. They state the need to gather supplies to make cosmetic repairs in order to get their security deposit back.Additionally, this means that tens of thousands of more travelers are venturing home. Cross country transit is about have a massive influx. Airports and gas stations are about to see a spike in traffic. Public contact amplifies high risks of transmission. Furthermore, this poses additional risks because of the age range of parents with college-aged children.Do you have children moving back home, or are currently in college? Leave us a comment with how you plan to stay safe.Check back to for more!

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