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What Is a Father?

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3 min. read
June 15, 2018
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What is a father? Is a father solely the man who participated in the act that resulted in a child? Is it an honorary term of endearment reserved for those men who pour into their child's life, building them up, encouraging them, showing them tough love? While the fact of the matter is that the term "father" has many different definitions depending on who you talk to.We talked to the Grunt Style staff here in San Antonio and got a few different answers on what being a father means to them.

CEO Daniel Alarik:

It means spending time with my son saying this prayer every night "Help me be a good man, do the right thing and help others."

What is a Father

COO Tim Jensen:

What is a father

Taking the sum of all of my experiences and packaging it into an example of good character and honor for my children to refer to as they navigate their life and contribute to society in a positive and meaningful way. A father is someone that their children can look to an know that they will always have someone that believes in them.

What is a Father

Interim VP of Information Technology Andy Benavidez:

Sacrificing everything to provide a better opportunity for my children. Being there physically, and mentally for my children when they need me the most.

VP of Human Resources Rob Tiedemann:

Being a Dad is simply the greatest gift as well as one of the greatest responsibilities I have ever been given. I love having the opportunity to embarrass my kids at the time and place of my choosing.

Director of Training Sean Smith:

When my children were born, it initially meant being totally responsible for their safety and well-being....then, as they were old enough to do things with me, it meant trying to maximize time with them, support their activities and just enjoy life with them;.... and now my children are entering their teenage years, it seems that I have to be less of their "friend" and more of a person who imparts discipline, structure and being the best positive role model for them to set them up for success in their young adult years. For me, it has required that I be a little something different for each kid, and at different stages of their lives. But at every stage, it certainly was the most important responsibility of my life

Mobile App Developer Alex Endacott:

Becoming a dad changed me into a stronger person, and made my needs forever second to my child's.

Videographer Erik Alarik:

Being a dad is the best thing that has ever happened to me. It has made me to step up to be a better man everyday so that my kids will be better people one day. It is surely the best investment I could ever make.

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