Man Walks Miles Save Wife
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74-Year-Old Redefines Bravery to Save His Wife

October 23, 2017
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A lot of people say "Remember When" trying to reminisce about the good ol days and they're usually wrong. Yeah, we remember when Polio was a thing. Yeah, we remember when we had to used candles to light our homes. Them "Good ol' Days" weren't really that good! However, in the case of Wayne Winters the good ol' days of being a man, a real man, are actually pretty good. How good?Every morning the 74-year-old wakes up puts on a sandwich board advertisement and walks in search of a kidney donor for his wife. His secret? "I don't walk really fast," says Winters. The idea came to him after his wife was stricken with kidney failure. "I didn't know what to do," he says. As a man of action though, he had to do something. So he made a sign with the pertinent information and got to walking.

Image result for wayne winters kidney

Guys, you want to know how to prove you love your lady? Do something. Be a man of action when the world looks at you like you're incapable. This man loves his wife. Not the way you "touchy-feely trying to get to second base" teenager love your girlfriend. This is real love. He was inspired by a similar story on the news and decided that it was something he could do to help. Standing by and doing nothing while his love slipped helplessly away was not on the "to-do" list of Wayne Winters. The ad board is nothing short of selfless either, showing Wayne's great compassion for others as well. One side of the board is obviously dedicated to his wife and her case, while the other side of the board tells of the thousands of people that could be helped through organ donation."After I get a kidney I will have my wife back the way she was, normal, helping people, loving people, she likes to serve other people." You do her great credit Wayne and we hope that you find a kidney fast. Good things don't always happen to good people, but hopefully, in this instance they do!Read more news articles here.

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