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St. Baldrick's: Buzzed for Babies

May 14, 2019
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Cancer is hell. There is no way around it. To see the toll it takes on the body and soul as the treatments diminish the person almost as much as the disease itself. Cancer is hell. We watch as adults struggle to deal with the disease, they fight and they give as good as they get...yet cancer can break even the strongest of souls. But then you see a child, stricken with the same disease, fight through the entire ordeal with a smile on their face and understand what life is truly about. Making the best of a bad situation.In that spirit, Buzzed For Babies is hosting an event this coming weekend to raise funds for St. Baldrick's, May 19, 2019, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Murphy's Bleachers (3655 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, IL US) with a goal of raising $45,000 dollars for cancer research, which you can donate to here ( children we're raising money for often show a strength that we as adults could only hope for. Their strength is in their hope and their straightforward mindset. They believe with utmost certainty that they will beat cancer and go on to live happy, productive lives...some do. Others don't. But still, they carry on with the strength of one hundred men. Their small stature fools many and hides a giant heart filled with hope and wonder for the world beyond these trying times.Since 2005, St. Baldrick's has donated more than $238 million dollars to support childhood cancer research. Through many head-shaving events where the money is donated, both men and women shave their heads in support of the children undergoing the trials that come with cancer, raising money so that one day, maybe nobody will have to go through what these children go endure.You may not be able to give a lot, some huge heaping sum that forever changes the course of cancer research, but you can, at this moment, do something good, something kind. What's a dollar or two in the name of doing some good deed? Whether altruistic or selfish, is the end result any different?If you're in the area and can show up to make a difference, please do, if you're not in the area and would like to donate, the link is again...right here, can also show your support by following Buzzed For Babies on Facebook.P.S. If we hit $30,000, I'll shave my head live this Monday morning 5/20/2019 on American Grit.

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