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ISIS Claims Responsibility for Sri Lanka Attacks

Veteran News
Veteran News
April 23, 2019
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Well, there you have it. An ISIS affiliate of sorts, along with National Thowfeek Jamaath (NTJ) and Jammiyathul Millathu Ibrahim (JMI) have claimed responsibility for the attacks on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka where 321 (at last count) people were killed. We had to see this coming, we absolutely had to see it coming and if we didn't...(well we saw it coming, not necessarily where, but we knew there would be retaliation) then we're about as in tune with what's going on around us as Steve Buscemi was in 30 Rock when he tried to pass himself off as a teenager.The attacks were said to be retaliation for the attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand where the gunman killed fifty people at several mosques throughout the city. Several people have been arrested in connection with the Sri Lankan attacks, in fact, more than several, about forty people have been arrested on charges relating to the Sunday bombings.See, whether it's the attack in Sri Lanka or the attack on the mosques, the goal is always the same. Terrify people, get them clamoring for safety and make them fearful to go out in public unless the government does something to ensure the safety of the people in public...but for anyone who has a positive integer of brain cells, we know that there are no guarantees in life. At this very minute, we could keel over and die from a brain aneurysm that has long remained hidden until it is our time to go.It's a sad and albeit cold reality to accept that any moment could be your last...that's one way to look at it, but another way to look at it is that we should make the most out of every moment and not live in fear. We shouldn't let people who seek to control the masses through fear and intimidation get their way. We shouldn't strip citizens of their rights because a minority of assholes decided that they wanted to make us fearful.Today is a national day of mourning in Sri Lanka, we suggest that you honor the victims by not giving in to the fear and not giving these asshats exactly what they want, control. And also...f*** ISIS, NTJ, JMI, and that piece of shit from New Zealand. F*** them all with a rusty chainsaw.

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