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5 Key Updates on the Munich Incident

Veteran News
Veteran News
July 22, 2016
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BREAKING: A shooting in Munich has left people fleeing for their lives. While this is a currently developing story, here are 5 things we know right now:

1.) The shooting took place at the Olympia Shopping Mall.

The Mall opened the same year as the Munich Olympics in 1972, and was adjacent to the building that housed the press for the games that year. Shots broke out at around 6 P.M. local time, and witnesses claim to have seen multiple shooters.

2.) German media reports say that at least 6 are dead.

Police have yet to confirm this number, and there may be more that are wounded. There is currently a manhunt for any suspects going on in Munich now.

CGS image 3

3.)Police have advised Munich residents to stay in their homes and out of public spaces.

Authorities are currently searching for the perpetrator(s) of the attack. There may be one, or several, shooters on the loose at this time. Police have also asked that no photo or video of the ongoing investigation be taken or shared, so as not to alert the suspects. City transit has also been shut down, and police have advised drivers not to come into or go out of the city so that they can maximize police maneuverability.

4.) There is no confirmed connection to ISIS or any terrorist organization thus far.

As of now, there is no evidence to connect the shooting to any terrorist group. No group has yet publicly claimed the event, either. German police have stated that this does look like a terror attack.

5.) President Obama has pledged to provide, "all the support that they may need" to Germany.

He also stressed in a recent public statement that events like this are a "reminder" that the freedoms we enjoy are due to the hard work of our law enforcement officers.Our thoughts are with those affected by the shooting. You can get live updates of the shooting here.

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