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5 Morning Headlines - June 27, 2017

Veteran News
Veteran News
June 27, 2017
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Here are the 5 Things You Need To Know for the morning of June 27th.

  1. The European Union sent a large bill to Google after determining that the search giant was giving prominent placement to promote it's own online shopping business when other services may have had a better deal. The EU ruled that Google violated anti-trust rules and is being fined 2.42 billion euros, or about $2.72B in US dollars.
  2. The White House released a statement yesterday that the Assad regime may be planning another chemical attack.
  3. According to a University of Washington study, the $15/hr minimum wage in Seattle has actually caused the average worker to lose about $125/month due to a 9% reduction in hours because of the increased cost to employers.
  4. Russell Westbrook took home the MVP award at last night's NBA awards.
  5. The Supreme Court ruled against a challenge to California's strict limits on concealed carry permits.
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