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Afghan Migrants in Sweden: Live Stream Incident

Veteran News
Veteran News
2 min. read
January 26, 2017
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Swedish Police are currently investigating a Facebook Live Stream that depicted a suspected gang rape, carried out by two Afghan migrants, one of which was holding a gun. Witnesses claim that the attack lasted three hours until police arrived.This brutal attack follows a series of other crimes that have been broadcasted across live streaming apps, revealing a growing trend in how criminals achieve their thirst for fame.The Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reported that the attack took place in an apartment on Saturday night in an apartment in Uppsala. When 21-year-old Josefine Lundgren saw the live stream, she alerted police to the broadcast. They arrived toward the end of the live stream and took the suspects into custody.[caption id="attachment_9941" align="aligncenter" width="320"]

Josefine Lundgren alerted police after seeing the livestream (Facebook)[/caption]A third suspect was also taken into custody for failure to report the rape to authorities.Witnesses to the video relayed their feelings of shock and horror at witnessing the brutal attack."I first thought it was a poorly orchestrated joke. But it was not," one told the Aftonbladet.Linda Johansson also told Swedish Television News that the men tried to convince the victim that she had not been attacked in a second video.“The girl was sitting in front of the camera while the man who filmed her tried to convince her to deny that she had been raped,” she said. “He was putting words into her mouth. He was taunting and laughing throughout the whole clip.”Facebook gave an official statement after the incident. Spokeswoman Christine Chen said, “This is a hideous crime and we do not tolerate this kind of content on Facebook. If someone does violate our community standards while using Live, we want to interrupt these streams as quickly as possible when they’re reported to us. So we’ve given people a way to report violations during a live broadcast.”

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