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Anti-Gun Protest with Dildos

Veteran News
Veteran News
August 24, 2016
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The anti-gun student group “Cocks Not Glocks” distributed over 4500 dildos yesterday at the University of Texas-Austin in anticipation of a protest on August 24th, the first day of classes at the school.The group uses dildos as an allegory for the concealed firearms which are now legal to carry on Texas public college campuses. S.B. 11, the law which allows campus carry, was signed by Governor Greg Abbott on June 1, 2015.The “protest” involves carrying large, realistic dildos on the outside of backpacks as a sort of “counterpoint” to the legal concealed firearms that will be carried on campus.“We want these dildos on backpacks as long as there are concealed handguns in backpacks,” said Ana Lopez, a UT sophomore and organizer for the group.Tuesday night’s distribution event featured dildos donated by Hustler Hollywood and HUM vibrators, among other sponsors, who donated the dildos for free.Sex toys are not allowed in classrooms, according to the school’s rules.


Open Carry Dildos, Concealed Carry Guns

The concealed carry law has been a point of contention on the University of Texas campus for some time.Earlier this year three professors filed a suit to block the law and were denied by a federal judge.The campus carry law would allow holders of Texas Concealed Carry permits to carry a firearm concealed on public universities. It does not change the requirements for the permit, which involves a background check of federal, state and local records.It is unclear whether a background check is required for the open carrying of a dildo.Because those carrying concealed weapons would never be discovered, it is somewhat puzzling that the Cocks Not Glocks crew is choosing to brandish the sex toys openly.It would make more sense to simply put the dildo inside of a backpack and never show it to anyone except in a life-threatening situation—the same thing that a concealed carry permit holder would do.One thing is clear: thousands of dildos will be protesting at the University of Austin, Texas, on Wednesday.

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