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Call Sign Chaos: Book by the Warrior Monk

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May 28, 2019
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Ahh good old Chaos Actual. Well, I look forward to reading it, as much as my illiterate grunt self can read, which I do in fact realize the irony of as I type this out. More interestingly though, the book, which we're certain will make the Commandant's Reading list and will inspire every Marine everywhere who hasn't completed their Reading For Marines MCI, to do so post haste, will not be a tell-all of the current administration.Why? Because class. Chaos Actual, for as deadly and revered as he is, has it.Instead the book...well phukit, why am I telling you this when you can read his actual quotes?

"My purpose in writing this book is to convey some of the lessons I learned in 43 years of service for those who might benefit, whether in the military or in civilian life."

That actually ought to be pretty damn helpful. There are some who are not huge fans of his, we get it, nobody is perfect and people, even Chaos, make mistakes. We'd venture to say that he has at least one or two lessons that we could all learn, after all, he has enjoyed some small amount of professional success (duh doy).So this summer, if you're looking for a tell-all book that will regale you with exploits as Sec-Def, this is apparently not the book for you as Mattis states:

"I'm old-fashioned: I don't write about sitting Presidents, so those looking for a tell-all will be disappointed. I want to pass on the lessons and experiences that prepared me for challenges I could not anticipate, not take up the hot political rhetoric of our day."

We do expect some exploits from Iraq and the initial push to Baghdad. We expect some peace time anecdotes as well, but we really really hope to read about he once knife handed Emperor Palpatine and destroyed the Death Star while commanding the USS Enterprise...some of you will get that joke...others will not.The book is expected to be out this July 16th, so look for it if you want, or don't. I'm not the boss of you.

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