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Citizen Stops Nice Terror Attack: Jumped in a Truck

Veteran News
Veteran News
July 15, 2016
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Sometimes, it's the citizens of a country that are the best defense against terror. An unidentified man slowed the attacker's rampage in Nice when he jumped into the truck and wrestled with him.According to this report, the attacker's route could have been even longer with more casualties had this man not taken action.According to eye witness Eric Ciotti, the man hurled himself into the 20-ton truck when it reached an obstruction. He then wrestled with the attacker, who seized a revolver and began shooting at both the man and police. Several shots were fired, though no one was injured. Shortly after the scuffle, police were able to shoot and kill the driver."I won't forget the look of this policewoman who intercepted the killer." Ciotti said.The terror attack in Nice occurred yesterday on Bastille Day, a traditional celebration of the start of the French Revolution. Shortly after a fireworks display to celebrate French liberty, one man with a truck, reportedly loaded with grenades and firearms, drove through crowds for about 2 kilometers down the Promenade des Anglais.The attacks have left over 80 people dead, at least 10 of whom were children. 50 others are currently in critical condition. Still more were wounded.[caption id="attachment_6967" align="aligncenter" width="996"]


One of the victims from the Nice attacks. Source: Reuters/ERIC GAILLARD[/caption]Among the deceased were Americans Sean Copeland, 51, and his 11-year-old son Brodie. The two were Austin natives, and were vacationing with family other family members.Since the attacks, an outpouring of support has come through social media, but some have also used the platforms to express their cynicism.[caption id="attachment_6964" align="aligncenter" width="624"]


Je suis expuise. "I am exhausted" (Source: Twitter)[/caption]French President François Hollande made a strong statement in response to the terror attack: "France is afflicted, but she is strong, and she will always be stronger than the fanatics who want to strike her today."France's state of emergency after other recent attacks would have expired later this month. It will likely now be extended.

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