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DoD Names Soldiers Killed in Bagram Suicide Bombing

Veteran News
Veteran News
November 14, 2016
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The Department of Defense has named the two U.S. soldiers killed at Bagram Air Base on November 12th as Sgt. John W. Perry, 30, of Stockton, California and Pfc. Tyler R. Iubelt, 20, of Tamaroa, Illinois.[caption id="attachment_8822" align="aligncenter" width="534"]


Sgt. John W. Perry and Pfc. Tyler Iubelt. Source: Fort Hood Public Affairs Office[/caption]The two soldiers were killed when Qari Enyatullah, a local worker who had been working for the United States since at least 2008, detonated a suicide vest filled with explosives at the beginning of a Veterans Day “fun run.” The explosion took the lives of Iubelt and Perry, as well as two as of yet unnamed American contractors and wounded 17 others.12 of those wounded have been flown to Landstuhl Germany and are receiving care in the military hospital there.[caption id="attachment_8826" align="aligncenter" width="956"]


Pfc. Tyler Iubelt in Kuwait. Source: Facebook[/caption]Enyatullah’s home was raided and two of his relatives were detained by Afghan security forces, according to the BBC.The attack is a major security breach at one of the most secure and largest U.S. bases in Afghanistan.Perry and Iubelt were both assigned to Headquarters Company, 1st Special Troops Battalion, 1st Sustainment Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, according to the DoD release.


Bombing changed security posture at Bagram

[caption id="attachment_8817" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Map of Bagram Air Base location. Source: NY Times

Map of Bagram Air Base location. Source: NY Times[/caption]According to Tyler Iubelt’s Facebook page, which has been turned into a remembrance page, Iubelt had recently arrived at Bagram Air base. It appeared that this was his first deployment, judging by timeline pictures.“No one could have believed it in such a small community that something like that would happen,” Matthew Doerflein, a friend of Iubelt’s, told KFCS-TV. “You just don’t expect something like that to affect such a small community and small town.”Contractors and service members on Bagram Air Base have been asked to wear protective gear most of the time, including Kevlar Helmets and body armor, and have been forced to travel in pairs. Additional security measures have also been heightened, according to Stars and Stripes.

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