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Forever GI Bill Law

Veteran News
Veteran News
August 17, 2017
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Washington, D.C.Student Veterans of America (SVA) celebrated the historic signing of Forever GI Bill into law today. The President signed the Harry W. Colmery Educational Assistance Act of 2017 alongside the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Dr. David Shulkin, guaranteeing generations of veterans are able to use the GI Bill at a time of their choosing.By removing the delimiting date (previously 15 years upon separating from Active Duty) veterans will have access to education benefits to support them as they pursue a degree and affirms higher education as a lifelong pursuit.In addition to removing the delimiting date, Forever GI Bill expanded GI Bill eligibility to include those left behind like members of the National Guard and Reserve, survivors of the fallen, and Purple Heart Recipients. The Forever GI Bill also supports American business and industry in need of applicants in STEM degree fields by extending additional months of benefits to qualifying GI Bill students.SVA provided an overview of all the changes made by Forever GI Bill in a summary report to the public."This is a moment worth celebrating with our sisters and brothers who have - and will have - worn our nation's cloth. Thanks to the herculean effort of the veteran community and allies in Congress, student veterans today and in the future will enjoy lifetime access to the GI Bill," said Jared Lyon, SVA's President and CEO. "I want to particularly recognize the leadership of Will Hubbard who led this charge alongside our 'tiger team' of advocates. Forever GI Bill would not have been possible were it not for their determination to pass a bi-partisan, comprehensive education package through Congress."[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Washington, D.C. (August 3, 2017) Forever GI Bill Congressional Passage Press Conference: Pictured left to right: Will Hubbard (SVA), Aleks Morosky (MOPH), Lauren Augustine (GY6), Kristofer Goldsmith (VVA), Ashlynne Haycock (TAPS), Patrick Murray (Veterans of Foreign Wars), Derek Fronabarger (American Legion).[/caption]SVA lead the effort to pass Forever GI Bill alongside a coalition of nearly 60 veteran, military, and higher education organizations. Coalition partners included Vietnam Veterans of America, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Got Your 6, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, and more. For a complete list of Coalition partners and original co-sponsors, please visit more military articles here.

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