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Grunt Style Shooting Team Achieves 5th Place in Mammoth Sniper Challenge

Veteran News
Veteran News
January 11, 2017
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Park City, KY- Grunt Style’s and Core’s Shooting Team participated in a 4-day precision rifle shooting competition at the Mammoth Sniper Challenge where they had an opportunity to test their skills, compete for prizes, and bragging rights - all in freezing temperatures. The challenge consists of 10 stages in total, testing not only the ability to shoot but the physical toughness of all competitors. Each two-person team entered into a division with increasing levels of difficulty. All challenges were done in the natural terrain, and competitors from the hardest divisions were expected to camp outside and carry all of their gear with them each day during the competition.[caption id="attachment_9727" align="aligncenter" width="500"]

Source: Grunt Style 1st Sgt[/caption]Prizes were awarded on January 8th - in the Extreme Division, Spenser Berry and Bryan Morgan claimed 5th place, and in the Open Division, Tim Jensen and Joe Caley earned 4th place.“Despite the freezing temperatures and the vigor of the event, Spenser and Bryan showcased what Grunt Style and Core is all about: pride in self, pride in military and pride in country. I estimate that about 60% of the competitors dropped out early due to the extreme weather and the toughness of the course and its obstacles,” Grunt Style’s COO Tim Jensen said.

“Marcus Harrison and Joe Harris of Mammoth put on another first rate long range event. We look forward to more great events with them and the Rockcastle Shooting Center”, said Grunt Style and Core Shooting Team member Joe Caley.[caption id="attachment_9725" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

mammoth sniper challenge

Source: Facebook[/caption] Joe Caley and Tim Jensen also co-hosted the “Rockcastle Gun Show” on ESPN KY/WWKU 1450 AM on January 5th to kick off the event. “It was a great start to a great competition. It was an honor to share the stories of all the great people that make this competition one of the best around,” said Joe Caley.

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