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Hot Damn, Jason W. Myers!

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May 9, 2019
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It must suck major balls to be on Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jason W. Myers' shit list. Why? Because the dude stacks bodies like P Diddy stacks cash. On two occasions, a year apart from one another, Jason performed actions under fire that would see him receive the Distinguished Service Cross not once, but twice.This man is so badass he makes Jason Voorhees look like the 3rd most badass named Jason, after Jason Myers, who of course holds both the 1st and 2nd place spots.So what happened exactly that warranted the CWO3 doubling up on the nations second highest award for valor?Well in March 2010, Jason rescued two Afghan police officers braving enemy fire he was John Cena (not for his shitty roles as a Marine, but for the phrase "You can't see me") laying his own brand of hate and discontent on the enemy and ensuring the safety of these two men. Distinguished Service Cross number one.The in November 2011, shit really got poppin'. He ran towards the gunfire. Shit was going haywire and some limp dick insurgents with suicide vests on had booby-trapped the building where they were holding hostages. Did that stop Jason? No. Did being wounded stop Jason? Again, hard no. Jason went into the building three times to clear out the enemy. Smokin bad guys and evacuating the wounded.

Over and over and over again, CWO3 Jason W. Meyers did whatever was needed of him. Whether it was to evacuate wounded or turn hostage takers and insurgents into bullet cushions, Jason rose to the occasion and that my friends, is why he is currently the only active duty member of the Army rocking two Distinguished Service Crosses.True to form, Jason gives credit to those around him. His teammates, NCO's and officers who've enabled such success. Truly a team effort. And Jason, Jason is truly a credit to the Special Forces community.

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