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Infantry Evolving: See the Marines' Deadlier New Course

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June 1, 2021
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The Marine Corps has made many bold changes in the last year. Everything from getting rid of tanks, to revamping the way they look at infantry. As a result, a new infantry course has completed initial evaluation. The trial run was 14 weeks long and marks a decisive shift in training. For the last decade, much of infantry training has focused on insurgent warfare. However, the new course is focusing on fighting larger, conventional forces. Check out the video the Marine Corps posted below! Marine Corps also recently stated:"The course uses a redesigned learning model for students intended to develop their capabilities for independent and adaptive thought and action."Furthermore saying:"The program of instruction for IMC has been in development for a year and follows guidance from @CMC_MarineCorps 2019 Commandant's Planning Guidance and Force Design 2030."This course will be for entry-level infantry Marines, and promises to make deadlier Marines. Lt. Col. Walker Koury is very optimistic about the new course. Although, he is the battalion commander for the Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry - West. Koury has stated, “Quite simply, you will be the best trained Marines to ever leave ITB. Fact. No Marine has ever spent this much time or got this much training.”Marines will also be expected to have more diverse skill sets. Staff Sgt. Jude Stewart, a lead marksmanship instructor said, “IMC is not a specific skillset for one Marine to be a rifleman, or a machine gunner, or anti-tank missile gunner."The Commandant of the Marine Corps has long played with the idea of "reorganizing" the Marine Corps rifle squad. However, there was a large social media pushback. What do you think of the new course? Sound off in the comments below!

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