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ISIS Confirms Death of Propaganda Chief al-Adnani

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 11, 2016
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Abu Mohammed al-Furqan, one of the chief propaganda creators for ISIS, has been confirmed dead by the terror organization.He was a part of the group that founded ISIS, and as Minister of Information, was in charge of the creation and distribution of ISIS propaganda, including execution videos. According to the BBC, he also played a major part in setting up jihadist media arms, such as Amaq news agency and the magazine Dabiq. He was also a member of the IS leadership group, the Shura Council.On September 7th, the Pentagon claimed that he had been killed during a precision air strike near Raqqa, while they targeted him on a motorcycle outside his home. The confirmation from ISIS does not list the date or the circumstances in which he died.With ISIS loosing its leaders and key members, they are also loosing the ability to maintain their footholds. According to a report from the Pentagon:

"The removal of ISIL's senior leaders degrades its ability to retain territory, and its ability to plan, finance, and direct attacks inside and outside of the region."

This also deals a severe blow to one of the terrorist organization's biggest tools; their ability to utilize social media and reach an audience that spans the globe. It also inhibits their ability to project their intensely violent and graphic videos of executions (which may make them less willing to commit such acts as often, as they would have no audience). The propaganda reach of the group is already suffering; reports stated that this time last year there were about 700 videos or other pieces circulating, but now there are now less than 200.ISIS still controls large parts of Syria and Iraq, and regularly broadcasts the beheading of journalists and aid workers, among other captives. The organization has many sympathizers around the world, who have committed acts of terror in several different countries, such as bombings and shootings of civilians.

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