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March Is Women's Month

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Veteran News
March 1, 2018
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It's Women's History Month! We're not going to sit up here and preach to you about the power of...well you know what some of the ladies have been wearing on their heads lately. Rather, we're going to tell you to be proud of the women in history who are legit, no doubt about it, ovaries to the wall, take no prisoners badass inspirations. We've got a few names on our list for all the ladies to be proud of. Ladies that like many of you don't have time to get involved with petty bullshit because they are or were off saving the damn world.From Florence Nightengale to the only female to have the tremendous honor of being awarded the Medal of Honor, Mary Edwards Walker, to Opha Mae Johnson (TUN TAVERN), women have been a powerful force not only on the battlefield but everywhere else they've been. Take for instance Sally Ride. Yeah, she's a damn astronaut, the first American woman in space, also she was a pretty badass physicist before the whole astronaut thing.Everywhere you look there are women who inspire the generations of young women behind them to be bold, intelligent and beautiful people on the inside and out. The lives of Abigal Adams, Sacajawea, and Susan B. Anthony, the powerful stories of Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks, few people realize just how important women were in building America to the place it is today.

Women's History Month

If it weren't for the women in the factories during World War 2 cranking out planes, tanks, bombs, and bullets, we'd live in an entirely different world than we currently do. Take a moment this month, not to bow down and worship, but to give genuine appreciation for the women who've stood hand in hand, right next to the men making America the great place that it is. We can't do it alone ladies, and we sure are glad you're around to keep us from doing most of the dumb shit we do (we really do a lot of dumb shit).

Women's History Month
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