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Memorial for Wesley L. Fox

Veteran News
Veteran News
November 26, 2017
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It is with our deepest regret that we inform you of the passing of one of the greatest heroes to ever wear the uniform of the United States Marine Corps, Wesley L. Fox. During his 43 years in the Marine Corps, Colonel Fox held every single rank except for Sergeant Major and General. He was the truest definition of a mustang officer.

Wesley L. Fox

During his time in Vietnam, then Lieutenant Fox was a company commander with 1st Battalion 9th Marines. It was at this time that Lt. Fox and his Marines came under intense enemy assault. Although wounded in the shoulder, Lt. Fox neutralized one enemy emplacement only to be wounded again, but refused medical treatment and directed his Marines fires on enemy positions. The only Marine officer left alive, Fox coordinated airstrikes and medical evacuations for the Marines under his command. The Marines were able to assault the enemy position under the leadership of Lt. Wesley L. Fox."For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as commanding officer of Company A, in action against the enemy in the northern A Shau Valley. Capt. (then 1st Lt.) Fox's company came under intense fire from a large well concealed enemy force. Capt. Fox maneuvered to a position from which he could assess the situation and confer with his platoon leaders. As they departed to execute the plan he had devised, the enemy attacked and Capt. Fox was wounded along with all of the other members of the command group, except the executive officer. Capt. Fox continued to direct the activity of his company. Advancing through heavy enemy fire, he personally neutralized 1 enemy position and calmly ordered an assault against the hostile emplacements. He then moved through the hazardous area coordinating aircraft support with the activities of his men. When his executive officer was mortally wounded, Capt. Fox reorganized the company and directed the fire of his men as they hurled grenades against the enemy and drove the hostile forces into retreat. Wounded again in the final assault, Capt. Fox refused medical attention, established a defensive posture, and supervised the preparation of casualties for medical evacuation. His indomitable courage, inspiring initiative, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of grave personal danger inspired his marines to such aggressive action that they overcame all enemy resistance and destroyed a large bunker complex. Capt. Fox's heroic actions reflect great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps, and uphold the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service."

Wesley L. Fox

Colonel Wesley L. Fox was forced into retirement at the mandatory age of 62 in 1993. He continued to wear the uniform of the United States Marine Corps for eight more years though as a deputy commandant of cadets for Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. Post-retirement, Fox penned a book by the name Marine Rifleman: Forty-Three Years in the Corps and spoke to military, business and civic leaders about his experiences in the Marine Corps.We at Grunt Style wish you a solemn farewell and wish to once again express our deepest gratitude for the years of service to this great nation. Fair winds and following seas sir. Semper Fidelis.

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