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Moving On and Moving Forward: A Journey

Active Military
Active Military
Veteran News
Veteran News
February 5, 2019
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Many of us GWOT veterans look back with both sadness and with joy at the things we were able to accomplish. It always seems like an entire lifetime ago what took place...Moving on is difficult, especially when you carry scars from those days. Mental, physical, emotional. The things we endured, hold fast in our minds like a massive boulder in the middle of a raging river. It is not always easy to move past the rapid and turbulent waters in our mind that the boulder causes.For one veteran, a man many of us have come to know, Shilo Harris, it is time to move away from the past and forward with his future as he receives a dream wedding to his beautiful bride to be, Jamie PK. The Lifetime channel will host My Great Big Live Wedding with David Tutera where Shilo and Jamie will wed on March 12th at 9 P.M. CST on Lifetime ChannelFrom one brother to another, I know that what many of us who fought the good fight just want to live out their days in peace with those they love, for Shilo, brother in arms, we couldn't be happier for you to find that which is so elusive to many, love. Much of what we speak about here on American Grit is our reminiscence about our time fighting against those who would do innocents harm, we remember the men and women who sacrificed so much and sometimes, we forget to move on with our lives.

Moving On

We wish you well warrior, friend...brother. We look forward to watching you fulfill one of the simple, yet most fulfilling pieces of life...a companion who will support you as you support her. Someone to share in laughs, hopes, dreams and the rare moments of hardship. Someone to lean on and someone that will lean on you.Though the past always reminds us of where we've been, it is men like you who strive forward to show us where we will go. Best wishes to you and your bride to be Jamie, may your days together on this Earth be filled with the peace you have so notably earned.

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