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Paul DeLaCerda Saves a Life

Veteran News
Veteran News
June 8, 2016
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Paul Delacerda, a US Army Infantry Veteran (82nd Airborne) and drummer for the military Veteran band Vetted, is being hailed a hero for his actions in saving a man's life after his truck had flipped over twice. While working as security for VIP's at a Houston cos-play event, Paul was tasked with driving actors Tommy Flanagan (Chibs from Sons Of Anarchy) and Alan Ritchson (Thad from Blue Mountain State and Raphael from TMNT) to the airport. On their way, something went wrong and a truck had flipped over, twice.Paul immediately stopped to assist and render aid to the injured passengers. Upon coming up to the accident, he noticed that the truck (now right side up) had its cab smashed in the the passenger's shoulder was crushed between the door and his head was hanging limp outside the window. Noticing that the truck had lit on fire, Paul ran back to his truck and grabbed his crowbar to pry the injured passenger out. Paul, Alan, and three bystanders rushed to get the door free.Tommy Flanagan stated "The accident occurred moments before we happened upon it. The real hero was Retired Ssg Paul Delacerda, who jumped out of his truck to assess the situation and offer medical assistance. He grabbed his med kit from the back of the truck that was taking us to the airport. When they saw flames under the hood, Paul and Alan Ritchson, started pulling the crushed car apart with other good samaritans and helped pull the injured passenger to safety. If it wasn’t for Paul and Alan, I don’t know if that kid would be here today. All I did was help offer some comfort.”Finally getting the passenger free from the vehicle, Alan Ritchson joins in to help carry the badly wounded passenger to a safe distance away from the burning vehicle. Paul, having some medical training from his time in the military immediately begins to render aid, using his medical (trauma 3) bag from his truck. Paul noticed a bulge coming from his neck and assumed (correctly) that his neck was broken and took action to stabilize him.While waiting for the EMS crews to show up Paul made sure to keep him conscious by talking with him and letting him know that people were here for him and everything was going to be alright."Everyone around here loves you..." Paul said, keeping the man from going unconsciousThe paramedics soon arrived on scene and took over the situation. As they were putting him on the stretcher and in the back of the ambulance, Paul told him "You're going to remember me, I'm and ugly mother fucker and my name is Paul."Stating very clearly that he was just in the right place at the right time, Paul said that "It was all a team effort." and "You have to give credit to the other guys who showed up." referring to the bystanders that assisted him.Tommy Flanagan wanted

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