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Pentagon Authorizes Concealed Guns on Military Bases

Veteran News
Veteran News
November 22, 2016
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Soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen may now request to carry a personally-owned concealed firearm on Department of Defense property, according to a new DoD directive released last week.The new guidance spells out the terms under which a service member can be granted the ability to carry a personal firearm. The document also details the responsibilities of various authorities within the government, such as the component commanders.The policy deals with arming troops both in the official performance of their duties and off-duty as well.To carry a privately-owned firearm on DoD property for personal protection unrelated to performance of official duties, the service member will require an authorization from an 0-6 or higher, which can last either 90 days or “as long as the DoD Component deems appropriate.”They will need to be 21 years old and not subject to any proceedings in civilian court or be charged with anything under the UCMJ.


Concealed Carry Details

The permission must be given in writing. During the performance of concealed carry, the weapon must be completely concealed when wearing either civilian clothes or a military uniform and must not interfere with normal duties.It must be holstered, including when carried in in an off-body case, and must meet the State laws where the base resides with regard to caliber, ammunition, capacity and design.Service members who have violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as well as those who are physically or mentally unable to carry a firearm, will not be able to concealed carry.Commanders of recruiting station will determine if their recruiters should be armed and to what level. In addition, DoD recruiters will not be able to carry a weapon if they are in a high school or other building that has law enforcement or security personnel on site.Commanders may also arm DoD personnel onboard bases and installations “for their personal protection…”when there is a general or specific threat of possible harm direct against them when that threat relates to the person’s official duties or status.”

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