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Tribute to R. Lee Ermey

Veteran News
Veteran News
April 16, 2018
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When people think of the United States Marine Corps, there is a singular image burned into their brain that comes to the forefront with the bravado and gusto only a real Marine could provide. R. Lee Ermey. That image is of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your Senior Drill Instructor, from now on you will speak only when spoken to and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be sir. Do you maggots understand that? Bullshit I can't hear you, sound off like you got a pair.For years, the image of R. Lee Ermey's brilliant display, honoring to the United States Marine Corps by cementing their image as cold unfeeling, death-dealing, blood-crazed warriors, has motivated Marines and made the public feel safer with that image burned into their head when the President or Congress sends the Marines to quell a situation.We can't think of another Marine (save for Lord of War Matti...Secretary of Defense Mattis), that has been so instrumental in shaping the culture of the United States Marine Corps. As a Marine himself, R. Lee Ermey shouldered the public image of the Marine Corps with attitude, foul-mouthed quick-witted insults, and a brazen arrogance that makes all Marines proud.

R. Lee Ermey

After the fame of Full Metal Jacket, R. Lee didn't stop. He continued to pursue new endeavors and do what he could to support his Marines. From USO appearances to TV shows, we always knew exactly where R. Lee Ermey's heart was. It was with the men and women who stood shoulder to shoulder as the tip of the spear. R. Lee Ermey loved his Marines.[caption id="attachment_17291" align="alignnone" width="750"]

R. Lee Ermey

(AP Photo/The Daily News, Randy Davey, File)[/caption]For all that you did, we drink a beer to you "Gunny". We are forever grateful for showing the world just how exceptional Marines are, no matter what they do. From their time in the Marines to their endeavors after the fact, the tenacious pursuit of excellence with a cocky swagger and a little bit of a foul mouth...Marines the world over are feared because of how you portrayed us on screen. Fair winds and following seas. Gunny, this beer is for you.

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