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Revolutionary Tech of 2018

Veteran News
Veteran News
January 5, 2018
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Augmented/Virtual Reality


While we've seen this tech toyed with throughout 2017, the kinks have finally been worked out to a manageable degree and with virtual reality headsets becoming more and more affordable this technology will more than likely have your gaming obsessed significant other more addicted than ever before. To be fair though hearing you drone on about TPS reports is a lot less cool than slaying zombies in a virtual/augmented environment. Killing zombies is cool bro. Don't hate!AI Personal Assistants


Things like the Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are slowly gaining more and more traction in many homes across America. While they came onto the scene in 2017, it was kind of slow going. Look for these future overlords of humanity to take on a much larger role in day to day life in 2018. Don't worry we don't project them to start killing all the humans until 2021, so you've got some time.Cryptocurrency


We've consulted with our wonderful finance team and they had two words for us regarding Cryptocurrency. Be careful. While the appeal is certainly apparent, there are some major risks involved and this is not something to be taken lightly. IF, IF see, disclaimer, IF you choose to get in the cryptocurrency game, be sure to not throw your entire life savings in at once. You might lose it all, then you wouldn't have the internet, and if you didn't have the internet how could you come to our site? Be careful.RobotsPiggybacking along the AI personal assistant route, have any of you seen the video with the flipping robot?https://youtu.be/kOmetklrzfkThis tech could be a potential problem when Alexa takes over and enslaves humanity. Robots have gotten more and more sophisticated and with the coupling of AI and these advancements are going to start to permeate into our everyday lives (our Roomba has been acting very suspicious lately, we should shoot it).

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