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Road Rage TCU

Veteran News
Veteran News
November 7, 2017
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The disconnect is unreal. An incident of road rage at TCU caused the campus to be locked down this morning. Do people not understand that everything will be sensationalized by the media? After the tragic shooting this weekend in Sutherland Springs, was pulling your gun really the best option? Look, if your life is threatened that's one thing, but the reports of an argument gone awry that resulted in the shooting.

road rage at tcu

Around 7:00 a.m. two drivers from the Roadrunner bus service that shuttle people around the TCU campus became embroiled in an argument. One driver produced a firearm and shot at the other bus driver. While missing his target, he did hit the other driver with the bus as he fled the scene. The suspect was apprehended soon after and the lockdown of the university was lifted after about thirty minutes. Fortunately, there were no students on board at the time the incident occurred.The strict gun control measures that are in place on the campus did nothing to prevent this issue from happening. According to the Assistance Vice Chancellor of TCU, only police officers are allowed to have a firearm on campus.Both of the men involved in the incident are in police custody, undergoing questioning regarding the incident. Thankfully there was no loss of life.Classes were scheduled to resume this afternoon at TCU. The Roadrunner bus service is not a direct employee of the university and is contracted out to perform their shuttle services. A nearby learning center in the Fort Worth Independent School district was also placed on lockdown during the road rage at TCU.While the complete story is yet to come out, let it be a lesson that pulling a firearm and squeezing off any number of rounds will garner national attention, it is no small thing. Let's think before we act folks.

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