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Saudis Bitch

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September 23, 2019
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Troops headed to help Saudi Arabia huh? Where have we heard this one before? Where oh where have we heard that before...? You would think, well maybe not, but maybe...maybe you'd think that hey, China is this really big threat and maybe instead of getting embroiled in another conflict in the Middle East, that maybe, we just maybe ought to look at the country who is trying to control the South China Sea and all the trade going through there. We know it's not a lot of trade that goes through there, only like $3 trillion annually, which is like one-third of the world's trade, but again...not a big deal. (Did everyone catch the sarcasm in the last sentence? Good, just checking.)What apparently is a big deal though is some pissant country having a vitriolic violent pissing match with its rich regional neighbor who then pays another rich country to come in and kick the pissant country's ass. At least that's what one would think from how everyone reacts to Iran. Like they are the big bad. Don't get us wrong and try to say that we think Iran is cool. Iran is definitely not cool, but you know who should be handling Iran? Saudi Arabia or other Arab states. It's not like we sold them $110 billion dollars worth of military tech, and inked a deal that'd see $350 billion over ten years with Saudi Arabia, is it? (sarcasm again) Not like we trained their officers right? Maybe it's time to see if all that gear and all that training is more than just a masturbatory photo op.We doubt it.Straight up. We're being Saudi Arabia's bitch right now and it couldn't come at a worse time. Why?We've starting to shift the focus of our forces to countries that are what some would call near-peer level and others, who are more...pessimistic might say, peer-level adversaries. Places like China and trying to stay relevant Diet Soviet Union. Right now is the perfect time to see if all that money and all that training we gave the Saudi's paid off.It's time to see if they can hang. And if they can't...well...That just sucks for them. The world is a cold, hard, and unforgiving place. We've got bigger problems than Iran right now and honestly, we'd wish Saudi Arabia would just handle our light work and by the looks of it with everything we've done for Saudi Arabia, it should be light work for them too, unless of was like we said and just a masturbatory photo op. Not like they have the third-highest military spending in the world right? A country like that should be able to fight their own battles, right?Can you guess which one we think it is?

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