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Video: 5 Minutes of Today's Shooting in Alexandria Surfaces

Veteran News
Veteran News
June 15, 2017
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Today's shooting in Alexandria, Va., was said to have lasted nearly 10 minutes. Of that 10 minute ordeal, a five minute video has surfaced which shows just how intense the exchange of gunfire was for someone at the scene.Warning: The following video contains actual footage from today's shooting and may be too graphic for some.More than 25 bullets can be heard ripping through the air in the footage, which was captured by witness Noah Nathan close to the field at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park.At one point, a man can be seen lying in the middle of the field.The shooting continues for several minutes, with some pauses in between the gunfire. Toward the end of the video, several gunshots are fired in quick succession, as people shout in the background.The footage then shows several people crowd around the player on the field.

Nathan lives in the neighborhood and was at the dog park next to the baseball field when James Hodgkinson opened fire. He added that he was more “pissed off than scared” during the attack.Nathan added that he was aware GOP lawmakers were out practicing, since they’d been preparing for their game “most mornings.”

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