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Heroic Truckers Help Police Stop Drunk Driver

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 19, 2016
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In a video that was uploaded just yesterday, two trucks that discovered a drunk driver ahead of them managed to safely block traffic behind them and cut off the driver before he caused any damage.The nearly 10 minutes of footage shows the driver dangerously swerving between lanes, nearly hitting the guard rail a few times. The two-lane highway is blocked by the another semi (probably the only scenario in which having two trucks side by side is a tolerable experience), effectively keeping traffic away from the severely inebriated man.As the truckers kept a watch on the driver, the police were contacted. Eventually, the driver slowed to a halt and decided that the center of the highway was a perfect place to relieve himself.One of the trucks took that opportunity to pull in front of the car and cut off both lanes until police could arrive and arrest the man.The most surprising thing is, assuming there were any cars behind those trucks, that not a single horn went off. Oregon drivers must have some serious patience.



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