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Vandals Hurl Bricks at Indiana Republican Party Office Windows

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 19, 2016
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Unknown vandals hurled bricks through the windows of an Indiana Republican Party office last week, officials said on Monday.The attacks come around the same time that other assailants firebombed a GOP office in North Carolina using a Molotov cocktail-style implement. The evidence from that crime scene is still being evaluated. Indiana attacks happened at the Delaware County office on October 8th. The window will cost around $1,200 dollars to replace.The Delaware County Sheriff reported that multiple campaign signs had been stolen from yards in the cities of Yorktown and Mount Pleasant Township in addition to the bricks being thrown though the windows.Both destroying windows and removing property from another person’s yard are crimes.


Vandals Target Multiple GOP Offices Nationwide

Meanwhile, evidence from the firebombed GOP headquarters in Hillsborough, N.C. is being examined at an FBI laboratory in Quantico, Va. That incident occurred on Saturday night.Parts of the firebomb will be examined for potential fingerprints, while burned carpeting may help determine the type of flammable accelerant used by the attackers.Hillsborough Police Chief Duane Hampton said that agents from the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have been assisting at the scene and with gathering video evidence from other businesses. It is not believed that the GOP headquarters had been outfitted with surveillance cameras.“This was not something that took a great deal of planning…certainly, this could have been a lot worse,” Hampton said of the attacks. He also noted that the attacks occurred late at night, which likely saved lives.The rise in violence reflects a greater rise in heated rhetoric in an extremely polarized election cycle, where support for one candidate often means complete hatred of the other.Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have spoken against the firebombing in North Carolina, with Trump calling the attackers “animals,” while Clinton said the attack was “horrific.”

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