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Alpha Outpost Prime Box

Gear + Kits
Gear + Kits
January 2, 2018
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The Alpha Outpost Prime box has a few really great pieces of equipment in it that serve more than one function. Usually, you don't need the perfect tool for the job, you need a tool that just works. If you have a tool that can serve many different functions, well enough then you've hit the jackpot. That's what you're getting with the Prime box.

Prime Box

As always we start off the box with the comic. Again the comic is filled with not only a scenario for you and the gear in your box but also includes tons of articles relating to the Prime Box itself. It's not often that we see such a multi-faceted tool grace on of our boxes. The reason for this is that it's difficult to find a tool that serves so many functions so damn well. We say there is no perfect piece of equipment, but the truth of the matter is, this "shovel" might be the perfect tool for almost every occasion. The shovel is literally ten tools in one. Obviously, we have the shovel, but it breaks down into a saw, screwdriver, Ferro rod, glass breaker, and several more tools.

prime box

The other item in the Prime Box is a backup backpack. It's compact and can fold up as to preserve space and be opened up if yours becomes inoperable from a torn strap or too much gear. Heck, you can utilize it as the transport bag, carrying goods back to camp so your hands are still free without having to sacrifice an already nicely packed survival kit.This box, while simple, has a wide range of uses with the shovel and backpack. It's amazing what one motivated individual can achieve with the tools in this box and the abundant bounty that nature provides. For more unboxing videos by Alpha Outpost click here!

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