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Major General Michael D. Healy: Iron Mike

Veteran News
Veteran News
April 18, 2018
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To have walked upon this Earth with the giants of valor, the humble heroes who've forged a path is the greatest of honors. One such giant, Major General Michael D. Healy (Ret.) passed away Saturday in Jacksonville, Florida. The veteran of both the Korean and Vietnam wars was entirely deserving of his nickname "Iron Mike." To walk through the gates of those two hells and come through the other side is no small feat. He will forever be missed.During the Vietnam War, Healy was one of the first Americans to place his feet on that battlefield, and with true grit and determination, he was also one of the very last to leave. A testament to his unwavering commitment to his duty. He was a soldier, he was a fighter and he belonged in the fog of war, where so many others found themselves lost. How do we know he felt like he belonged? The man spent over eight years in Vietnam, fighting.With awards like the Distinguished Sevice Medal (x3), Silver Star (x2), Legion of Merit (x3) and the Bronze star (x6) it's not hard to see why he earned the nickname "Iron Mike". There was never anything that this country asked Michael D. Healy to do, that he wouldn't do. We'd say "or die trying" but it was apparent that he was obviously extremely hard to kill.

Michael D. Healy

The world doesn't know what giants walk among us. The man who carried the weight of two extremely harsh wars on his back, who fought relentlessly protecting his men, was a giant indeed. We mourn his death truly. We are not quite sure that we can give the gratitude due the man who went above and beyond the call of duty so many times.

Michael D. Healy

As you rest easy in your bed tonight remember well Major General Michael D. Healy and remember what Richard Grenier said of George Orwell's work;"As George Orwell pointed out, people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."Rest easy warrior, till we see you again.

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