Operation Community: Round Canopy Parachute Team - header image
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Operation Community: Round Canopy Parachute Team

Community Support
Community Support
September 1, 2022
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During World War II the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to our modern day CIA, was only 35% female personnel. Even so, those who made up that small percentage played a pivotal role during the war; qualified female paratroopers jumped into France as spies and after landfall swapped their uniforms for civilian attire to collect information behind enemy lines, despite knowing their lives could end at any moment. In honor of Women’s History Month, the Round Canopy Parachuting Team-USA (RCPT-USA) are taking flight to perform parachuting stunts, commemorating those fearless female freedom fighters who fought to restore peace on earth. RCPT-USA safely conducts round canopy, static line parachuting activities to reinforce the world-wide memory of the priceless deeds of valor and the selfless sacrifices made by so many paratroopers and veterans alike.

About Operation Community

We are excited to announce that Operation Community is here! Grunt Style is committed to helping put more unity back into our Community! During this campaign we will be highlighting organizations and local heroes that have a positive impact on our community. 

A Community hero is an individual or group who unselfishly contributes to a greater good through their actions, determination, and influence to make a difference in their community and country. These are hard-chargers, life-changers, coaches and mentors, healers and volunteers who wake up every day and choose to make the world a better place.

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