Greg Garza
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Firefighter Greg Garza: A Hazmat Tech

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October 15, 2019
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Hello Greg Garza,My name is John, and I was once a volunteer firefighter on the outskirts of San Antonio. McQueeny VFD was where I got my start in firefighting, funny thing, I was dating the Chief's daughter at the time, but it was there I learned firsthand the tremendous sacrifices made in this profession. The sudden danger that we could find ourselves in was reminiscent of my time in combat. I served in the United States Marine Corps, twice to Iraq, nothing special. I enjoyed the rush though, but this time, there was something I hadn't felt in combat. Peace.See Greg when I was fighting fires, I was experiencing the same rush I felt in combat, yet, I wasn't taking lives, I was saving least in theory. I hope you get my definition. Anyways...I fell in love with firefighting and determined that once I was able to be of service to a volunteer department again, I would be. I'd shave my big bushy beard and get back to work helping my community.See, Greg, I fell in love with firefighting because of the rush, and I've committed to her because of the peace I felt when reading an ethos put forth by your department."To save much, we will risk much, to save little, we will risk little."The first part of that statement gave me peace. The reason is that I believe in risking a lot to save a lot, I also believe in risking a lot to save a little as well...I've often found myself at odds with the world because I am so pro-risk and those around me are risk-averse. It was troubling, but I felt at peace because you met someone like me halfway. There were times when I got to risk a lot to save a lot. My risk-seeking nature was rewarded and, yet tempered by the second half of the statement.I had found balance, that balance brought peace, which in turn brought energy. I felt balanced at peace and energetic when I was battling a blaze. It seemed like despite the tragedy, what we were doing, what we were fighting for and against...we were right in the world and in the universe.I have no doubt that when the alarm went off today, 10/15/2019 and you responded the way you have so many times before, you felt balanced, at peace and energetic, because how can one not when they are doing that humble and noble profession of firefighting.God be with you Firefighter/HazMat Tech Greg Garza, you made your community proud.San Antonio Firefighter/HazMat Tech Greg Garza Last Alarm 10/15/19Sincerely,John FanninDeputy Editor, American Grit

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